
2017 Okamoto IGM-2MB Used CNC ID Grinder For Sale
- 15,000 rpm Spindles, Mist Lubricated - Automatic Grinding Cycle - Size Compensation - Wheelhead, Table and Speed Setting Dials - Continuous/Intermittent Feed - Repeat Dress, Interrupted Dressing and Dressing Selection - MICRO IIi READOUTS
Número de Inventario DR75543
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Okamoto ACC 12.24EX CNC Reciprocating Surface Grinder For Sale
Okamoto ACC 12.24EX CNC Reciprocating Surface Grinder For Sale
Número de Inventario K0500002
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Okamoto ACC -1224ST Grind X Hydraulic Surface Grinder For Sale - 2011
Okamoto ACC -1,224ST Grind X Hydraulic Surface Grinder For Sale - 2,011
Número de Inventario MC17118
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Okamoto ACC 24.60ST NC Surface Grinder For Sale - 1997
Fanuc 21g NC Control 24" x 60" Electromagnetic Chuck Coolant System with Magnetic and Paper Filtration
Número de Inventario 14574
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Okamoto ACC 124N Surface Grinder For Sale - 1986
Okamoto ACC 124N Surface Grinder For Sale - 1,986
Número de Inventario 14532
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OD/ID Wheels
Número de Inventario 12909
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